Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

#IPIWoCo Recap: Making journalism more engaging and impactful for more people

Newsrooms need to think about where their priorities intersect with those of their community members – particularly those who have been previously overlooked by the media. In some countries, media capture puts the majority of news outlets in the hands of just a powerful few; in others, the news media has not done enough to […]

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Somaliland: Authorities must release journalists Busharo Ali Mohamed and Abdiqani Hussein Abokor

The IPI global network condemns the continued arbitrary detention of journalists Busharo Ali Mohamed and Abdiqani Hussein Abokor in Somaliland and demands their unconditional and immediate release. Their arrest is a violation of press freedom and is a sign of the Somaliland authorities’ intolerance toward critical reporting. Busharo and Abdiqani were arrested and detained on […]

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‘Journalists are not legitimate targets’: Pegasus hacks amidst a war

Researchers have been tracking the use of cyber surveillance software to target journalists for years, but until now no government has ever been caught using it during an active international conflict. New revelations from digital rights researchers and advocates uncovered the targeting of public officials and journalists with Pegasus spyware during the 2020 war between […]

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Russia: IPI horrified by violent attack on journalist Elena Milashina in Chechnya

IPI and its global network denounce in the firmest possible terms the violent attack on Elena Milashina, an investigative journalist with the renowned Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, who was assaulted along with lawyer Alexander Nemov as they were heading to monitor the trial of political prisoner Zarema Musayeva in Chechnya. According to Milashina, she and […]

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