Authorities in Cape Verde have opened an investigation into three journalists – Hermínio Silves, Daniel Almeida, and Alexandre Semedo – in connection with the publication of stories on a classified murder investigation from 2014. IPI urges Cape Verde authorities to withdraw the investigation.

Silves, editor of the news website Santiago Magazine, became a suspect in a criminal investigation after publishing a story on December 28, 2021, on the aggravated homicide of government official Zezito Denti d’Oru in 2014. Similarly, in January, Almeida, a reporter for the newspaper A Nação, published a series of stories on the case and the alleged involvement of Cape Verdean Minister of Internal Administration Paulo Rocha. Almeida and Semedo, the director of A Nação, were informed on February 4 that they are also part of the investigation, according to Almeida, who spoke to IPI, and news reports.

The journalists reported details of the seven-year-long classified investigation into the murder of d’Oru, including the allegation that the minister was at the scene of the crime. The investigation, ongoing since 2014, has produced no suspects so far. On January 13, A Nação newspaper published pictures of the crime scene, with Almeida pointing out the lack of proper examination of the murder.

If the current investigation collects enough evidence, the journalists could be charged with divulging information under judicial secrecy under Cape Verde’s code of criminal procedure in connection with Article 356 of the criminal code. They could face a sentence up to two years in prison.

“IPI urges authorities in Cape Verde to drop their investigation of Hermínio Silves, Daniel Almeida, and Alexandre Semedo in connection with their journalistic work”, IPI Deputy Director Scott Griffen said. “It is essential that journalists are able to report on matters of public interest without fear of arrest or criminal prosecution. Prosecutors should consider the broader potential implications for press freedom in this case and end this enquiry.”

Concerns over surveillance

No trial date has been set so far. “Here in Cape Verde, we have a serious problem of slow justice. It is not possible to predict a date for the trial”, Almeida told IPI.

Almeida said that he also suspects he may be under surveillance. “My phone may be tapped, so they can try to find out who gave me the file in secret”, the journalist told IPI. He added that authorities have been treating him “normally” and he is continuing his job as a journalist while the investigation is underway.

On February 4, there was a protest outside the attorney general’s office in support of press freedom. Almeida said that he and his fellow journalists have received support from the public because in “a matter of public interest, which involves the minister, the right to inform must prevail over judicial secrecy”.