IPI Programmes to Support Media in Ukraine
Independent media in Ukraine have shown tremendous courage and resilience in their coverage of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression. The IPI global network is supporting Ukrainian media and journalists through funding, exchange, travel, and advocacy initiatives.
Since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, we’ve provided nearly 100,000 euros in financial support to Ukrainian media. We’ve tracked over 1,000 attacks on journalism and press freedom in Ukraine and Russia as a result of the war. And in events around the globe, we’ve helped Ukrainian journalists tell their stories.
Read more below about what we’re doing – and how you can help.
IPI Ukraine Rapid-Response Fund
IPI Ukraine Rapid-Response Fund
Independent IPI provides financial support to independent Ukrainian media in need. Currently, our Ukraine rapid-response fund offers grants to individual media outlets, media associations, and journalism networks in Ukraine to support emergency reporting and institutional needs.
Grants can cover safety equipment, office equipment, costs to support urgent reporting initiatives, emergency relocation, and basic operational costs.
Click here to learn more or apply for funding.

Photo: Jose Hernandez Camera 51/Shutterstock
IPI Travel Support Grants for Ukrainian Journalists
IPI Travel Support Grants for Ukrainian Journalists
IPI’s travel support grants allow Ukrainian journalists to carry out short-term visits in Europe for a range of purposes, including short-term newsroom exchanges; attending professional conferences and workshops; research and study trips; and emergency relocation.
Grants are typically in the range of 500 to 2,500 euros. However, amounts outside this range are considered on an individual basis.
Click here to learn more or apply.

Photo: Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock
Telling Ukraine’s Story
Telling Ukraine’s Story
With Russia’s war of aggression now in its second year, we’re helping our Ukrainian members tell their story to the world – and keep momentum going for international solidarity and support for independent journalism in Ukraine.
Here are just a few recent examples:
2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival (Vienna): Resilience in action: Ukrainian Editors in Conversation
2023 International Journalism Festival (Perugia, Italy): Journalism at war in Ukraine
2023 ZEG Storytelling Festival (Tbilisi, Georgia): Telling Ukraine’s Story
2022 IPI World Congress (New York): Honouring seven Ukrainian media outlets as the 2022 IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneer award recipients

Photo: Ronja Koskinen/IPI
Press Freedom and Journalist Safety: IPI Ukraine War Tracker
Press Freedom and Journalist Safety: IPI Ukraine War Tracker
Media and journalists must be able to report freely and safely to show the world the truth of Russia’s war.
Since February 2022, IPI’s Ukraine War Press Freedom Tracker has documented threats to media freedom and journalist safety in both Ukraine and Russia related to the war. The Tracker covers physical and other attacks on journalists covering the war in Ukraine; acts of censorship; arrests and criminal charges against journalists; repressive new media legislation; and restrictions on access to information. Russian forces or authorities are responsible for the overwhelming majority of attacks on the press.
IPI’s Tracker is the most detailed resource available on the war’s impact on press freedom. Our research shows that journalists in Ukraine have borne the brunt of the physical brutality of this war, while Russian media seeking to report independently of the Kremlin have faced severe legal harassment and repression.
How Can You Help?
How Can You Help?
Since the start of the war, IPI has provided nearly 100,000 euros in financial support to Ukrainian independent media – thanks to contributions from donor organizations, media outlets, and individual IPI members and supporters. For media in Ukraine, covering the war has become a marathon. They continue to need our support.
You can donate to our Ukraine support efforts. Donations will be channeled into our Ukraine Rapid-Response Fund to ensure that Ukrainian media have the resources they need to cover this war for their communities and for the wider world.
Donations can be made via direct bank transfer:
Erste Group Bank AG
IBAN: AT88 2011 1847 4904 9900
Please clearly communicate any payment with ‘Ukraine Support’.
You can also make a donation via PayPal.