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Ethiopia clampdown on Internet freedoms tightens as verdict for jailed journalist approaches

A new law in Ethiopia, ratified on May 24, 2012, will criminalise the use of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) communications, such as Skype, Viber and GTalk. “IPI is gravely concerned at this development, which appears to be yet another move by the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to control the free flow of […]

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“Crimes against freedom of expression”

Four freedom of expression rapporteurs whose mandates cover the entire world will meet in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on 25 June to launch their annual 2012 Joint Declaration on “Crimes against Freedom of Expression”. Frank La Rue, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on […]

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Hackers attack Russian media websites ahead of opposition rally in Moscow

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned cyber-attacks that brought down the websites of Russian media outlets that had broadcast information about opposition activities ahead of a mass protest rally scheduled in Moscow. AFP reported that attacks brought down the website of radio station Ekho Moskvy approximately 30 minutes before protesters started gathering for a […]

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Yemen: new government, same challenges to press freedom

Feb. 27, 2012 marked the symbolic transition of power in Yemen from former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to newly-elected President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Massive demonstrations and uprisings beginning in Jan. 2011 brought about the change of power from Saleh to Hadi, illustrating the peoples’ desire for democracy. The end of Saleh’s 33-year-long dictatorship ushered […]

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