Latest News on OnTheLine

‘It’s hell, I’ll be honest with you’

Egyptian elections are coming up, Tunisia has voted for its new constitutional assembly, and Libya’s transitional government declared the country free this week.  But in Yemen, the struggle is far from over.  Protestors continue to demonstrate against the regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has repeatedly refused to concede to opposition demands and leave […]

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IPI World Congress 2011: Q&A with managing editor of Global Voices

Solana Larsen is the managing editor at Global Voices, an online community of bloggers and digital activists. Global Voices emphasizes the awareness of citizen media, a topic highlighted in the IPI World Congress 2011 session entitled “Taiwan’s PeoPo Project – A Model for Citizen Journalism in the Future.” IPI: Can you briefly describe what Global […]

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‘Covering North Korea’: IPI World Congress 2011

As a nine-year-old child in North Korea, Chol-Hwan Kang was sent with his family to a concentration camp after his grandfather was accused of treason. The next 10 years were a constant struggle to stay alive. He ate rats to survive. He watched friends die from exhaustion and hunger. Kang attributes his escape to South […]

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Q&A with Fortune magazine China bureau chief

Bill Powell is Fortune magazine’s China bureau chief and Asia editor. He has been based in Shanghai for the past six years, and reported in Beijing from 2000 to 2001. IPI spoke to him at the 2011 IPI World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan. IPI: What do you see as the main trend or next big […]

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