Latest Publications on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI General Assembly Resolution 2018

Members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 67th General Assembly during the 2018 IPI World Congress in Abuja, Nigeria, unanimously passed four resolutions urging action on press freedom issues in Africa, Egypt, Turkey and in relation to the online harassment of journalists. IPI members: – called on African governments to protect the […]

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IPI General Assembly Resolution 2017: The EU and Germany

The members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 66th Annual General Assembly during the IPI World Congress on May 20, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, adopted by majority vote a resolution calling on Germany and the European Union to firmly embrace their role as defenders of human rights globally, including the rights to […]

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Croatia: Media Freedom in Turbulent Times

Report on the June 2016 International Mission to Croatia

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International Declaration on the Protection of Journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), in cooperation with the Al Jazeera Media Network, the International News Safety Institute (INSI) and the Africa Media Initiative (AMI), is leading a global effort to promote a culture of safety within the media industry both by raising awareness among journalists about international standards in this area as well as […]

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