Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Safety and justice: demanding accountability for attacks against journalists in Serbia

Commemorating 25 years since the brutal murder of Serbian journalist Slavko Ćuruvija, media freedom organizations unite to condemn continued impunity in this case and demand accountability for all acts of violence against journalists in Serbia. The recent acquittal of security officers accused of Ćuruvija’s murder, as well as the escalating attacks against journalists in Novi […]

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Nigeria: IPI welcomes release of editor abducted by military

The IPI global network strongly condemns the illegal detention, surveillance, and mistreatment of Nigerian editor Segun Olatunji by military personnel, and calls on the Nigerian authorities to hold those responsible to account. Olatunji, the editor of the news outlet First News, was released from military detention on March 28. He had been arrested at his […]

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Belarus: IPI condemns prison sentences handed to two more journalists

The IPI global network condemns the prison terms handed last month to two more Belarusians in relation to their past work as independent journalists. Former reporter Ihar Karney was sentenced to three years in a penal colony while camera operator Andrey Tolchyn received a 2.5 year sentence. “The sentences against Ihar Karney and Andrey Tolchyn […]

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Russia: 83 IPI members send letter to imprisoned reporter Evan Gershkovich

On March 29, 2023, Russian authorities detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Soon after, he was transferred to Moscow’s Lefortovo prison and charged with espionage, an accusation which he and his colleagues have strongly rejected and for which Russian authorities have produced no evidence. Today, one year after these events, 83 IPI members from […]

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