Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Sri Lanka continues to harass and intimidate foreign, domestic media, following end of civil war

The Associated Press (AP) bureau chief in Sri Lanka, who reported on civilian death tolls in the government’s recent final push against Tamil Tiger rebels, has been denied permission to stay in the country. Ravi Nessman’s expulsion is the latest in a series of incidents highlighting a government backlash against foreign correspondents who don’t toe […]

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With televised threat to journalists, Gambia’s President Jammeh fuels media climate of fear

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh on Wednesday 22 July warned journalists against tarnishing Gambia’s image, in a statement to state-owned GRTS television. “Any journalist who thinks that he or she can write whatever he or she wants, and go free, is making a big mistake”, Jammeh declared. “If anybody is caught, he will be severely dealt […]

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Violent attacks against Sri Lankan media continue following end of the war

The International Press Institute (IPI) along with eight other groups – all of them members of the Press Freedom Mission to Sri Lanka – call on President Mahinda Rajapaksa to redress the perilous media environment in Sri Lanka by combating impunity, releasing imprisoned journalists, introducing legal reforms to safeguard media freedom, and ensuring journalists’ safety […]

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Russian editor-in-chief fears killers of human rights activist and journalist won’t face justice

A Russian editor-in-chief has expressed concern that the killers of a prominent human rights activist and journalist brutally slain on 15 July will never face justice. “Unfortunately the Russian authorities, although using hard wording to condemn such crimes, do almost nothing to find their organisers, bring the cases to court and punish the killers,” Galina […]

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