Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI director addresses pan Africa media conference in Nairobi

International Press Institute (IPI) Director David Dadge on Friday addressed the Pan Africa Media Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, as part of a panel entitled “Media Freedom: A Balance Sheet.” In his speech – “Learning to Let Go: How the Refusal of African Presidents and Political Parties to Relinquish Power Harms Media Freedom” – Dadge told […]

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Al Shabab detains three journalists from Markabley radio station in Somalia

Al Shabab militants in the southern regions of Somalia arrested three journalists from Markabley Radio this week, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists. Two of the three remain in custody, and the station has been taken off the air in response to the detentions. Mohamed Abdikarim and Mohamed Salad Abdulle, both reporters for […]

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Regional elections in Russia overshadowed by press freedom violations

During regional elections in Russia on Sunday, independent observers reported allegations of voter fraud and attacks on the press, according to independent Russian election watchdog Golos. Journalist Olga Demidova, who writes for the newspaper Grazhdanksy Golos – affiliated with the Golos election watchdog – was assaulted by three unknown people and had her camera broken, […]

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Third journalist killed in Honduras this month

A TV news editor has been killed in Honduras, just days after a radio reporter was killed and only two weeks after the murder of a TV presenter. Nahúm Palacios Arteaga, 36, the news director for television channel Canal 5 in Aguán and host of a news programme on Radio Tocoa, was shot dead on […]

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