Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

SEEMO/IPI press release: seemingly positive media developments in Serbia a step in right direction

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East and Central Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), is very pleased by several positive media developments in Serbia. SEEMO salutes the decision of the High Court in Nis, in a defamation case […]

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Three suspects arrested in Mexico journalist kidnappings

Federal police in Mexico have arrested three suspected drug cartel members allegedly involved in the kidnapping of three Mexican journalists last, news reports said today. According to the Associated Press, the suspects, aged 23, 25, and 33, allegedly worked for the Sinaloa drug cartel in the city of Gomez Palacio in the Northern Mexican state […]

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All four kidnapped Mexican journalists free

Mexican journalist Óscar Solís, a reporter for local newspaper El Vespertino who was kidnapped on the same day as fellow journalists Javier Canales, Alejandro Hernandez and Hector Gordoa, has also been freed. Earlier this week, IPI reported on the freeing of Canales, Hernandez and Gordoa. At the time, media reports said that Solis remained unaccounted for. Subsequent […]

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Three of four kidnapped Mexican journalists freed; one still missing

Three of four Mexican journalists kidnapped last week have been released, according to news reports. Mexican police raided a drug gang safe house before dawn on Saturday, freeing Javier Canales, a cameraman at Laguna Multimedia, and national television network Televisa cameraman Alejandro Hernandez. Televisa reporter Hector Gordoa was freed on Thursday following negotiations with his […]

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