Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI World Congress 2011: Q&A with former Beijing bureau chief of Austria’s ORF broadcaster

Cornelia Vospernik is the former Beijing Bureau Chief of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) and current Head of News, of ORF Eins. She began her career freelancing for a local ORF studio in the Austrian province of Carinthia at the age of 15. From 2000 to 2002, she was the ORF London bureau chief, and […]

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Resolutions issued by the IPI Membership at the 60th annual IPI General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan

The members of the International Press Institute, meeting at the 60th annual IPI General Assembly at the IPI World Congress 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan, on 26 September 2011, unanimously passed  seven resolutions condemning serious violations of press freedom around the world. Focal points of the resolutions were: -A request for the repeal of criminal defamation […]

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IPI deplores murder of Chinese journalist

Journalist Li Xiang, 30, of Luoyang Television Station in Henan province was found stabbed to death on Monday 19 September, online news reports say. Li had been stabbed more than ten times, and his computer bag was missing from the scene of the crime, reports say. It is believed that the reporter had been investigating […]

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The other face of press freedom in Peru

On 7 September, Peruvian journalist Pedro Alonso Flores Silva was shot twice on his way home, in the province of Casma, 14 hours away from the nation’s capital, Lima. He was intercepted by a hooded man who attacked him. He died two days later in hospital. According to Flores’ wife, the attack came three months […]

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