Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Nepal must improve press freedom, international groups say

At a meeting on Feb. 27 with International Press Institute members in Nepal, IPI Senior Press Freedom Adviser Barbara Trionfi said that Nepal must ensure strong constitutional guarantees for freedom of expression. The meeting was held following an International Media Mission visit to Nepal where international media and press freedom groups, including IPI, met with […]

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Wounded foreign journalist smuggled out of Syria, to Lebanon

British photographer Paul Conroy has reportedly been safely evacuated to Lebanon, while the whereabouts of French correspondent Edith Bouvier remain unconfirmed, nearly a week after the journalists were injured in an assault that killed Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin and photojournalist Remi Ochlik. “We welcome the reported safe evacuation of Paul Conroy, but are deeply […]

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Brother and sister journalists murdered in Bolivia

Lea en español Two journalists – a brother and sister – were found strangled to death on Saturday morning near their home in El Alto, Bolivia, just outside the country’s capital, La Paz. The bodies of Verónica Peñasco Layme, communications director for Radio San Gabriel, and Victor Hugo Layme, a journalist with Radio Pachamama, were […]

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Asesinaron en Bolivia a dos hermanos periodistas

Read in English Dos hermanos periodistas fueron encontrados estrangulados el sábado por la mañana cerca de su casa en El Alto, Bolivia, a las afueras de la capital del país, La Paz. Los cuerpos de Verónica Peñasco Layme, jefa de prensa de la Radio San Gabriel, y Víctor Hugo Layme, periodista de Radio Pachamama, fueron […]

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