Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Bolivian journalist wounded in arson attack returns home after treatment

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed news that Bolivian journalist Fernando Vidal was released from an Argentine hospital where he had been treated for third-degree burns suffered during an arson attack in October. Vidal’s son-in-law, Esteban Farfán Romero, informed IPI that the journalist arrived in his hometown of Yacuiba, Bolivia, late at night on […]

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Threat of imminent execution of Ukrainian journalist kidnapped in Syria

ARTICLE 19, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the International Press Institute and Reporters Without Borders are deeply concerned that Ukrainian journalist Anhar Kochneva, kidnapped by Syrian rebels in October 2012, is in grave danger of being murdered. Her kidnappers, allegedly members of the Free Syrian Army, have threatened to kill her tomorrow, 13 December 2012, […]

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DRC government intimidates UN radio

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over apparent efforts by officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to intimidate media and block the flow of information. These efforts come on the back of a brief rebel takeover of Goma city that demonstrated the government’s political weakness and its failure to secure a […]

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Prominent speakers and panellists already confirmed for 2013 IPI World Congress in Amman

Titled “Documenting Change / Empowering Media”, next year’s IPI World Congress in Amman, Jordan is a must for anyone who cares about press freedom. The two and a half day event will examine the many challenges, concerns and opportunities facing journalists in a rapidly changing media landscape – not only in the Arab world, but […]

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