Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

New report details press freedom violations in Sudan

The International Press Institute (IPI) today released a comprehensive report on the state of press freedom in Sudan, independently compiled by Sudanese freelance journalist Abdelgadir Mohammed Abdelgadir.  The report, entitled “Pens under Siege” covers the 16-month period between Aug. 2011 and Dec. 2012. Through interviews with Sudan-based reporters, editors, and publishers, Abdelgadir documented a multitude […]

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IPI General Assembly approves resolutions

Members of the International Press Institute (IPI) yesterday, meeting at their 62nd General Assembly, approved four resolutions and endorsed a call demanding that Ugandan authorities end the siege of a newspaper’s headquarters. The members approved resolutions welcoming the Pan African Parliament’s launch of a continent-wide press freedom campaign and calling on states to implement laws […]

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Attack on Indian newspaper leaves three employees dead

The International Press Institute (IPI) is extremely troubled by an attack on the Dainik Ganadoot newspaper Sunday, May 19, in the northeastern Indian state capital of Agartala, which left three employees dead. IPI today urged local police to thoroughly investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice. According to local reports, several masked assailants […]

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IPI releases 2013 Ecuador press freedom report on heels of controversial new media law

Excessive state regulation established by Ecuador’s newly passed media law poses a serious and immediate threat to independent journalism, the International Press Institute (IPI) stated in a special report released today. The report, a comprehensive review of press freedom developments in Ecuador since IPI’s visit to the country in May 2012, concludes that the situation […]

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