Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Desaparecidos tres periodistas en el norte de Colombia

El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) manifiesta su profunda preocupación por la desaparición de tres periodistas en el norte de Colombia y hace un llamamiento a las autoridades para que pongan todas las medidas necesarias en su búsqueda.

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Three journalists missing in northern Colombia

Lea este comunicado en español The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed grave concern over the disappearances of three journalists in northern Colombia and called on the authorities to use every means possible to find them. Following the disappearance of Spanish journalist Salud Hernández-Mora, a long-time correspondent for Spain’s El Mundo newspaper and a columnist […]

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Two journalists killed in India within two days

India’s government needs to work harder to fight a culture of impunity for crimes against journalists, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today after two journalists were gunned down in neighbouring eastern states of the country within a 24-hour period. “We join journalists associations in condemning these killings and we urge authorities to conduct a […]

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Release of journalists’ info in Ukraine blasted

A Ukrainian website’s release of the personal information of more than 4,000 individuals from domestic and international media outlets who operated in the country’s restive east was ‘irresponsible’ and ‘ill-advised’, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today, condemning the move. On Tuesday night, a Kiev-based website with apparent links to Ukraine’s security services released a list […]

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