Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Letter: Colombian journalist killed after controversial reporting

H. E. Ernesto Samper Pizano President of Colombia Santafé de Bogotá Vienna, 25 February 1998 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemns the killing of a Colombian journalist, Oscar García Calderon. We are informed that García, a journalist with the Bogotá daily El Espectador, was murdered on 22 February 1998, shortly after leaving […]

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Journalists in Philippines brace for new president

Whenever Filipino journalist Raissa Robles posts about President-elect Rodrigo Duterte or the South China Sea on her blog, it collapses for reasons unknown to her. “That’s why I abstain from writing about those two topics,” Robles says in a phone interview with the International Press Institute (IPI). “Every time I do, my blog goes down, […]

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Canada urged to prioritise free expression in relationship with China

The International Press Institute (IPI) has joined 34 other civil society organisations in calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to put human rights, especially free expression and press freedom, at the heart of Canada’s “renewed” relationship with China. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang recently visited Canada for talks with Prime Minister Trudeau, during which an agreement […]

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IPI/SEEMO condemns deadly car bomb attack on publisher of NACIONAL weekly in Croatia

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a regional organisation of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe, and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the car bombing that killed Ivo Pukanic, journalist and owner of the NCL Media Group in Zagreb, and Niko Franjic, marketing director of […]

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