Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Letter: Ukrainian journalist killed, independent media harassed

H.E. Leonid Kuchma President Office of the President Vul. Bankova 11 252005 Kiev Ukraine Fax: +380-44-293 10 01 / 293 73 64 / 291 61 61 Vienna, 9 March 2004 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, is deeply concerned about […]

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Secrets of a giant

Lea en español Brazil is booming. Latin America’s largest and most populous nation recently surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world’s sixth-largest economy – and is projected to move up one more spot by the end of 2012. Oil production has skyrocketed, while poverty has hit historic lows.  The country will host both the […]

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Eight years after killing of Deyda Hydara, Gambia press remains unfree

Friday marked the anniversary of the assassination of journalist Deyda Hydara in The Gambia in 2004. As a founder and editor of The Point newspaper, Hydara was known for his criticism of President Yahya Jammeh’s iron-fisted rule. Jammeh is still president, but eight years on, Hydara’s killers have not been brought to justice. Moreover, privately-owned […]

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Letter: Two journalists killed within five days

H.E. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo President Office of the President New Executive Bldg, Malacańang Palace Compound J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel, Metro Manila Philippines Fax: (+632) 735 80 06 Vienna, 5 August 2004 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, strongly condemns the murder of a […]

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