H.E. Stjepan Mesic
President of Croatia
Fax: + 385 1 45 65 159

Vienna, 8 February 2002

Your Excellency,

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, and its affiliate the South East European Media Organisation (SEEMO), are deeply concerned about the case of Denis Latin in Croatia.

According to our sources, the State Prosecutor plans to file charges against Denis Latin, host of the Croatian Television programme “Latinica”, under Article 309 of the Croatian Criminal Code.

The second paragraph of Article 309 states, “Whoever, during proceedings before a court, but prior to the rendering of the final judgment, expounds his opinion in the public media, at a public rally or in front of a body of persons on how the official engaged in the administration of justice should act in this case, or which decisions should be pronounced, shall be punished by a fine of up to one hundred and fifty daily incomes or by imprisonment not exceeding six months.”

Croatia has made considerable progress in the media field in the past years. However, laws that prescribe criminal penalties for reporting or commentary are open to abuse by public officials and should be removed from the statute books in order to create a climate in which journalists can freely investigate cases of corruption and other illegal activities.

Therefore, IPI and SEEMO urge Your Excellency to initiate the necessary measures to review and replace such laws with appropriate civil legislation. We further urge you to immediately drop all charges against Denis Latin.

We thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Johann P. Fritz
IPI Director

Oliver Vujovic
SEEMO Secretary General

Cc: Ivica Racan, Prime Minister, Croatia (+385 1 6303 013)
Zlatko Tomcic, President of the Parlament (+385 1 63 03 010)