On 1 – 2 December 2022, the International Press Institute (IPI) and the Endowment Fund for Independent Journalism (NFNZ) are holding a joint conference in Prague: European Journalism Now.
DAY ONE: December 1, 2022
Evaluating Quality Journalism via Common Standards
Led by Endowement Fund for Independent Journalism (NFNZ)
This workshop will explore the options for common European standards of journalism and examine existing media monitoring systems and their values, including the Journalism Trust Initiative, NFNZ’s MediaRating and EuroMedia Ownership Monitor.
DAY TWO: December 2, 2022
Media Capture and the European Media Freedom Act
Led by International Press Institute (IPI)
This roundtable event will examine examples of the current challenges posed to independent journalism in Europe by media capture and how the upcoming European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) could help address them, as well as where improvements are needed.
The event is held under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the European Union and the City of Prague, the European Commission’s Media Freedom Rapid Response programme and the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.