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EU: Threats to media freedom submitted to Commission’s Rule of Law report

Updates on some of the biggest developments and threats to media freedom and pluralism across European Union Member States throughout 2023 were submitted to the EU Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report by the International Press Institute (IPI) and its partner organisations in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR). On 15 January 2024, MFRR consortium […]

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The Outlook: Innovating politics reporting in a major election year

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. This is The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter, where we take a look at tools and strategies for innovation, and learn from newsrooms that are implementing them. We are proud to announce that we are […]

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Ukraine: IPI alarmed by two separate attacks on investigative journalists and media

The IPI global network is alarmed by what appear to be attempts to intimidate and discredit journalists working for two popular investigative news outlets in Ukraine known for their coverage of corruption in the country. IPI calls on Ukrainian authorities to investigate these recent incidents targeting journalists from Nashi Hroshi and and hold those […]

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Greece: Ahead of court hearing, SLAPP lawsuit against media and journalists must be dropped

The International Press Institute (IPI) and the undersigned international freedom of expression and media freedom organisations today renew our condemnation of a groundless defamation lawsuit filed against Greek journalists and media by Grigoris Dimitriadis, the nephew of the Prime Minister, and urge the plaintiff to urgently withdraw the lawsuit ahead of an upcoming hearing. With […]

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