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Critical Albanian news outlet hit by sophisticated cyber attack

Albanian authorities should immediately investigate a sophisticated cyber-attack against Albanian news website and hold those responsible to account, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Exit, an independent media platform, said its English-language edition was hit by a targeted cyber attack on April 15 which took down the website for 24 hours and tried […]

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EU’s new rule of law mechanism must help uphold press freedom

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, has joined together with 24 other civil society partners to send a list of recommendations to EU leaders on how a newly formed rule of law mechanism can help strengthen press freedom and media plurality. The joint […]

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Uncharted waters: media freedom under COVID-19

Global press freedom is entering uncharted waters. As governments around the world scramble to stop the spread of the COVID-19 and protect the health of their citizens, states of emergency are being announced and extensive restrictions put in place. Wide-ranging limits on freedoms are being implemented on a scale not seen in peacetime. In a […]

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IPI urges Mozambique to release radio journalist

Mozambique should free radio journalist Ibraimo Abú Mbaruco from arbitrary detention and take action against those responsible for his arrest, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. According to information received by IPI, Mbaruco, a journalist with Palma Community Radio, was detained by military officers on April 7 in Mozambique’s restless northeastern Cabo Delgado province. […]

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