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IPI Africa Press Freedom Monitoring: Journalists face continued pressure in Somalia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and DRC

Journalists and media outlets in Somalia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria faced continued attacks, censorship, and pressure in November 2022, according to IPI monitoring of press freedom violations in Africa.  In total, 43 press freedom threats or violations were identified in November across 16 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with 30 of […]

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Mozambique: IPI reiterates call on government to withdraw restrictive NGO law

As Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi is in New York this week to chair high-level meetings of the U.N. Security Council, the IPI global network reiterates its call on his government to withdraw a controversial bill that could be used to restrict the work of civil society groups, which play a vital role in protecting press […]

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Aufruf zum Wiederaufbau lokaler Medien nach dem jüngsten Erdbeben in der Türkei

Ein Bericht von IPI-Exekutivdirektor Frane Maroević: Letzte Woche bin ich auf Einladung des türkischen Nationalkomitees des IPI mit dem Vizepräsidenten des IPI-Vorstands, Emre Kizilkaya, und Kollegen in den Südosten der Türkei gereist, um die Solidarität des IPI mit den vom Erdbeben in der Türkei betroffenen Journalisten zu demonstrieren und zu sehen, was die Medien in […]

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Albania: Swift justice needed following deadly attack on Top Channel

Today, 27 March 2023, security guard Pal Kola, 60, was shot dead by unknown assailants on the premises of the leading national TV station Top Channel, where he was stationed in a booth outside the building​​. The heinous attack took place around one o’clock in the morning. State police have since established a dedicated investigative […]

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