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IPI protests at detention of two correspondents in Afghanistan

His Excellency Gulbuddin Hekmatyr Prime Minister of the Republic of Afghanistan Char Rahi Sedarat Kabul Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Vienna, 12 November 1993 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), protest most strongly at the detention on 8 November 1993 of Mr. Terence White and Mr. John Jennings by members of the Prime Minister’s armed […]

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IPI protests against attempts by European organisations to regulate the media

The International Press Institute (IPI) observes with great concern the increase in regulatory initiatives of several European organisations. The various proposals put forward by these European bodies are almost always in contradiction with existing national press legislation. Because regulations passed by supra-national bodies should eventually be incorporated into national legislation, IPI protests most strongly against […]

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IPI calls for restructuring of the broadcasting systems in Eastern Europe

During the course of the CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on Free Media, held in Warsaw 2-5 November 1993, IPI stressed that press freedom cannot be limited to the print media. In monitoring the situation in Central and Eastern Europe, the Institute came to the conclusion that – despite officially expressed commitments to a free and […]

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Nobel Peace Prize winners to speak at upcoming IPI World Congress

Three Nobel Peace Prize winners will take part in the forthcoming General Assembly of the International Press Institute, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 13-16 February 1994. Messrs. F. W. De Klerk and Nelson Mandela will speak at the Opening Ceremony, while Archbishop Desmond Tutu will preside over a function held at […]

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