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Apply to join IPI’s Local News & Innovation Network

IPI is opening applications to our Local News & Innovation Network, which brings together media innovators and local news professionals from every corner of the globe. At a time of unprecedented disruption in the media space, we’re building a community to help find creative solutions through knowledge sharing and innovation to achieve sustainability. Join us! […]

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South Korea must drop restrictions on journalists reporting from conflict zones

The IPI global network urges the South Korean government to drop all restrictions on journalists reporting in conflict zones around the world. We express our solidarity with photojournalist Jang Jin-young, who faces criminal charges and who was fined for traveling to report on Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We call on the South Korean government […]

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IPI joins coalition calling on Sierra Leone to protect internet access during election

The IPI global network joined dozens of other press freedom, human rights, and digital rights organizations  from across the globe under the auspices of the #KeepItOn coalition to call on the Sierra Leonean government to keep the internet on during the country’s general elections on June 24.   The letter calls on President Julius Maada Bio […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Quick takes, new models, big stories

Journalism is rapidly evolving beyond traditional news coverage. Today’s industry leaders explore  new models and methods to fill need and knowledge gaps locally, nationally and internationally. At IPI’s 2023 World Congress and Media Innovation Festival session “Short Shorts”, panelists explained how they’re taking journalism to new levels. As director of Spain’s El Orden Mundial, Fernando […]

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