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Albania: Pressure on journalists in response to critical reporting must cease

IPI joins the undersigned organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in solidarity with the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) in expressing great concerns about recent developments in Albania, which not only highlight a deteriorating environment for press freedom, but also pose a severe threat to the safety of journalists and their ability to inform the […]

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Cambodia: IPI condemns government blocking of news sites before general election

The IPI global network condemns the Cambodian government’s order to block access to the websites and social media accounts of news outlets and a public database in advance of the country’s July 23 general election. Such actions are in direct contravention of democratic principles and Cambodian and international law. IPI calls on Prime Minister Hun […]

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Myanmar: Junta threatens legal action against independent media over broadcasting fees

The IPI global network condemns plans by Myanmar’s military junta to sue two independent media outlets, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and Mizzima, for broadcasting fees incurred prior to the military coup in February 2021. Since the junta took power, independent media has faced an extreme crackdown, including the jailing of journalists and closure of […]

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Six months into the innovation journey: Transition Accelerator participants share their stories

15 media organizations successfully completed IPI’s Transition Accelerator, an innovative six-month programme that provided grant funding, training, coaching and networking opportunities to support independent newsrooms in developing audience-centred solutions to organizational challenges.  [Now it’s your turn: Apply for IPI’s Local News Accelerator – a global innovation training, networking and learning programme for news organizations covering […]

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