Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI German, Turkey Committees respond to Böhmermann case

The German government today gave the green light for prosecutors to open a criminal investigation into popular satirist Jan Böhmermann over a vulgar poem ridiculing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in granting a request by the Turkish government, underscored that Germany viewed the deteriorating situation of press freedom in Turkey with […]

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IPI Kommittees in Deutschland, Türkei zum Fall Böhmermann

Artikel auf Englisch ansehen Deutsches Nationalkomitee des IPI zum Fall Böhmermann Man wird dem in der Sendung „Neo Magazin Royale“ auf zdf_neo gesendeten Beitrag von Jan Böhmermann nicht gerecht, wenn man nur auf die schlimmen Worte abstellt, mit denen Präsident Recep Erdogan in Gedichtform bedacht wird. Der Kontext, in dem dieser Beitrag steht, ist die […]

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IPI joins Council of Europe platform to protect journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) today became a partner to the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists, through which media freedom organisations inform the Council of Europe and disseminate information on alleged violations of media freedom. The Executive Director of IPI Barbara Trionfi signed the agreement to join the platform […]

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IPI joins call on Pakistan to release Mir shooting report

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in calling for the formal release of a judicial commission’s report on the 2014 shooting of Geo Television journalist Hamid Mir after details of the report were leaked to the public. The PPF yesterday called on Pakistan Supreme Court Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali […]

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