Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IDEI: 71 journalist deaths so far this year

At least 42 journalists around the world have lost their lives this year thus far as a consequence of their work, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today to mark the annual International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on Nov. 2. IPI’s Death Watch, which since 1997 has tallied journalists deliberately targeted […]

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IPI Executive Board chair in Turkey to support Cumhuriyet

IPI Executive Board Chair John Yearwood was in Turkey today to show solidarity with independent daily newspaper Cumhuriyet and with journalists and administrators from the paper who are currently on trial over accusations that the paper’s reporting lent support to terrorists. Yearwood visited the newspaper’s offices in Istanbul, where he met with senior editors and […]

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IPI urges India’s Rajasthan state to withdraw ‘gag’ ordinance

The government of the northwestern Indian state of Rajasthan must reverse a “draconian” ordinance that bars the media from covering allegations of wrongdoing involving public officials in the absence of a government-sanctioned criminal investigation, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today in letters sent to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. Passed on Sept. […]

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Polnischer Journalist bezeichnet Untersuchung seines Buches durch Militärgericht als „beängstigenden Präzedenzfall“

Read in English Das Leben des Investigativjournalisten Tomasz Piątek, Mitarbeiter der Zeitung „Gazeta Wyborcza“, änderte sich schlagartig, nachdem er im Juni ein Buch über den polnischen Verteidigungsminister und seine vermeintlichen Verbindungen zu dubiosen russischen Kreisen veröffentlicht hatte. In einem Interview mit dem International Press Institute (Internationales Presseinstitut, IPI) in Warschau diesen Monat sprach er über […]

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