Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI joins international call on CoE to appoint special rapporteur on Daphne Caruana’s murder

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined 13 other international media freedom organisations calling on the Council of Europe to appoint a special rapporteur on the case of Malta’s prominent investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, killed by a remote-controlled bomb in her car as she left her home on Oct. 16, 2017. The joint statement […]

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Polish regulator rescinds fine against broadcaster TVN

Poland’s National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) last week decided to repeal a 1.5 million złoty (356,000 euros) fine it had levied against private broadcaster TVN, even as KRRiT officials continued to warn Poland’s private broadcasters over allegedly unbalanced coverage. The fine, announced on Dec. 11, 2017, was for news channel TVN24’s coverage of protests outside the […]

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Spain’s PDLI to monitor harassment of female journalists on social media

Leer en español The Madrid-based Platform for the Defence of Free Expression (PDLI) has announced that it will create an observatory to monitor the harassment of female journalists on social media in Spain in cooperation with the Spanish Federation of Journalist Unions (FeSP), which is a member of the platform. According to the Organization for […]

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Medienübernahme in Ungarn: Größte Fernsehstation des Landes erweist sich als „schwer zu knackende Nuss“

Read in English Im September letzten Jahres veröffentlichte die ungarische wirtschaftspolitische Wochenzeitung Figyelő einen viel-diskutierten Artikel, der über die Zukunft des größten TV-Senders des Landes spekulierte, RTL Klub. „Es gibt seit einiger Zeit Gerüchte über den Verkauf von RTL (Gerüchte, die RTL immer zu leugnen versuchte), aber die Tatsache, dass die Firma Verluste und andere […]

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