Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Media Innovation Europe

Introducing Media Innovation Europe, an ambitious initiative to energize the European ecosystem for independent and local journalism     The programme is run by the International Press Institute, Thomson Media, the Media Development Foundation and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network It is open to news outlets in more than 35 countries in Europe, including EU […]

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19 journalists in southeastern Turkey detained on terror charges

The IPI global network of journalists, editors, and publishers is deeply concerned by the detention of at least 19 journalists for spreading “terrorist propaganda” in Diyarbakır on June 8. We call on authorities to immediately disclose the full details of these charges and to release the journalists being held in custody.   Police forces this morning carried out […]

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Honduras: Journalist Ricardo Alcides Ávila shot and killed

The IPI global network is deeply saddened over the killing of Honduran journalist Ricardo Alcides Ávila, who was shot on May 26 on his way to work. Ávila died of his injuries on May 29. IPI demands that the Honduran government conduct a thorough investigation into this case and bring those responsible to justice. Ávila […]

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New European Commission internet regulation undermines media freedom

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins 72 other civil society organisations and professional bodies in writing to the European Commission urging a new internet regulation to be withdrawn to protect journalistic source protection and media freedom. The demand – “European Commission: uphold privacy, security and free expression by withdrawing new law“ – cautions EU […]

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