Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Turkey: IPI in solidarity with local journalism groups against ‘disinformation’ bill

International Press Institute (IPI) representatives joined journalism organizations, media professionals, and citizens who gathered in the heart of Ankara, Turkey, on June 22 to protest against a bill on disinformation submitted to the parliament by the governing alliance of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). IPI and other organizations have […]

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Zimbabwe: IPI condemns conviction of journalist Jeffrey Moyo on immigration charges

The IPI global network condemns the conviction in Zimbabwe on June 14 of New York Times freelance journalist Jeffrey Moyo on charges of breaching the country’s immigration laws. He was fined ZW$200 000 (about 525 euros) and given a two-year suspended sentence that could be enforced should he commit a similar offence in the next […]

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Attacks on journalists in Nigeria continue in June

Concerns about the safety of journalists in Nigeria are rising further as attacks on the press have continued in June unabated ahead of the country’s 2023 general elections. The IPI global network reiterates its call on the authorities to step up efforts to ensure journalists are protected and safe while discharging their work of informing […]

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Russia: Facial recognition software used to target journalists

The Russian government’s use of biometric technologies, including facial recognition, for surveilling and repressing journalists in Moscow and other major Russian cities poses a major threat to the freedom of expression within the country.  On June 12, Russian Independence Day, SOTA journalist Pyotr Ivanov, who works for one of the few remaining independent outlets in […]

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