Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Bulgaria: Far-right party leader insults and tries to exclude journalists from press conference

The International Press Institute (IPI) and its global network today condemn the attempt by the leader of the far-right Bulgarian party Vazrazhdane, Kostadin Kostadinov, to eject journalists from four professional media outlets from a post-election press conference. IPI also rejects the politician’s unacceptable verbal attacks against the same four media during the press conference and […]

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Slovakia: Deputy PM’s attacks undermined government’s broader efforts to strengthen press freedom

The undersigned international media freedom and journalists organisations today express dismay over the recent attempts by deputy Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič to denigrate the country’s media and warn they were undermining wider efforts by the government to improve the landscape for media freedom. In recent weeks, Matovič, the former prime minister and current finance […]

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Spain: Ensuring justice for women journalists targeted by online harassment

Online harassment hinders the ability of women journalists to carry out their journalistic activities, affects personal lives, and threatens their safety. Women journalists regularly encounter lack of support in their cases, and are advised to limit social media presence or worse – to get used to the attacks as being a part of their job. […]

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Philippines: Veteran radio broadcaster Percy Lapid fatally shot

The IPI global network strongly condemns the killing of veteran radio broadcaster Percival Mabasa, also known as Percy Lapid, who was gunned down in Manila on October 3. We urge authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into this murder and to hold the perpetrators accountable. IPI also calls on President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to take […]

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