Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

Nagarik – Republica | जनयुद्ध’का बेला बिलाएका पत्रकारहरू

This article is published in collaboration with the Nagarik-Republica in Nepal, as part of a content series supported by the IPI South Asia cross-border journalism project, which aims to support press freedom and promote the safety of journalists in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Nepal. साबिकको कर्णाली अञ्चलको कालीकोटका नवराज शर्मा ‘वसन्त’ सुर्खेतमा रहेर कदम साप्ताहिक पत्रिका प्रकाशित गर्थे। […]

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66 journalists killed in 2022 amid decline in press safety

2022 witnessed a devastating decline in journalists’ safety, as 66 journalists and media workers worldwide were killed in connection with their profession, according to International Press Institute (IPI) data. This figure marks a steep increase from the total of 45 journalists killed in 2021. Spiraling attacks against journalists in Mexico as well as Russia’s full-scale […]

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Turkey: Documentary filmmaker and journalist arrested for “filming a police car” while recording in public space

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, journalists, and media executives for press freedom, today condemned the arrest of documentary filmmaker and journalist Sibel Tekin in Ankara, Turkey on the charges of “membership in a terrorist organization” following a complaint by prison guards that she filmed the official vehicle while recording early […]

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Belarus: 2022 ein weiteres katastrophales Jahr für die Medienfreiheit

In Belarus geht ein weiteres verheerendes Jahr für die Medienfreiheit zu Ende. Das International Press Institute (IPI) und unser globales Netzwerk verurteilen das nachhaltige Bestreben der Regierung, Journalisten strafrechtlich zu verfolgen, zu inhaftieren und anderweitig zum Schweigen zu bringen, als Teil einer breiteren Kampagne, die darauf abzielt, alle Formen von Dissens im Land zu beseitigen. […]

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