Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI calls for restructuring of the broadcasting systems in Eastern Europe

During the course of the CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on Free Media, held in Warsaw 2-5 November 1993, IPI stressed that press freedom cannot be limited to the print media. In monitoring the situation in Central and Eastern Europe, the Institute came to the conclusion that – despite officially expressed commitments to a free and […]

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Nobel Peace Prize winners to speak at upcoming IPI World Congress

Three Nobel Peace Prize winners will take part in the forthcoming General Assembly of the International Press Institute, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 13-16 February 1994. Messrs. F. W. De Klerk and Nelson Mandela will speak at the Opening Ceremony, while Archbishop Desmond Tutu will preside over a function held at […]

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IPI concerned about offensive against Hungarian radio and television journalists

His Excellency Dr. Péter Boross Minister of the Interior and Acting Prime Minister Ministry of the Interior József Attila u. 2-4 1051 Budapest Hungary Vienna, 30 October 1993 Your Excellency, The Executive Board of the International Press Institute (IPI), representing over 2000 journalists and editors from leading newspapers, magazines, broadcasting organizations and news agencies in […]

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IPI condemns kidnapping of Turkish journalists by PKK

On the occasion of the visit to Vienna by members of the Turkish Press Council, the International Press Institute (IPI) has been informed that Turkish journalists were kidnapped on 16 October 1993 by PKK militants and presented with an ultimatum. According to the Turkish Press Council, journalists working for newspapers and news agencies in Diyarbakir, […]

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