Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

IPI monitoring: Journalists in Nigeria, DRC face continuing attacks

Nigeria and DRC continue to have some of the highest number of press freedom threats and violations in Africa, according to IPI’s monitoring data for the month of February. This has been noted in previous IPI press freedom monitoring reports in the region, including in our November and December 2022 factsheets.  A total of 61 […]

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Poland: TOK FM fine sparks renewed concerns about regulatory capture

The International Press Institute (IPI) today raises alarm over the controversial fine imposed on the independent radio TOK FM by the chair of Poland’s broadcast media regulator and warns of increasing regulatory pressure on the station ahead of a looming licencing decision. On 28 April 2023, it was announced that the chairperson of Poland’s National […]

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Press freedom and media innovation in the age of AI is the focus of the 2023 IPI World Congress, 25-26 May in Vienna

Leading journalists, editors and publishers from over 80 countries and six continents, in person and online, will gather at the International Press Institute’s (IPI) World Congress and Media Innovation Festival 2023, taking place in Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier, from 25 – 26 May, to explore the rapidly evolving global and technological landscape for independent journalism. Participants will […]

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Cameroon: Journalist Anye Nde Nsoh shot dead

The IPI global network is shocked and saddened by news that journalist Anye Nde Nsoh was shot and killed by separatist fighters on May 7 – the third journalist to be killed in Cameroon in 2023. Authorities must initiate a swift, thorough, and transparent investigation into this incident and bring all perpetrators to justice.  Nsoh, […]

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