Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Palestine

France 24 journalist assaulted at National Front congress

The political correspondent for French news broadcaster France 24, Mickael Szames, was allegedly beaten and insulted by security agents from France’s extreme right-wing National Front (FN) at a party congress on Saturday, the French broadcaster reported. In a live broadcast from Tours, where the congress was held, the journalist said eight FN security officers knocked […]

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Crackdown against independent media continues to grip Belarus

Belarus secret service agents have raided the apartments of detained journalist Irina Khalip and her mother, Lyutsina Khalip, seizing the journalist’s computer, according to Charter 97, an independent news website. Lyutsina is currently struggling to prevent the authorities taking custody of her three-year-old grandson. A decision is expected at the end of the month, when […]

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Pakistani journalist shot dead in Karachi

A journalist was shot dead on Thursday in Pakistan, the deadliest country in the world for journalists in 2010, according to IPI’s Death Watch. Wali Khan Babar, 28, a reporter for Geo News television, was gunned down in Pakistan’s southern city of Karachi. He was shot five times by a group of unidentified people while […]

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Führende Österreichische Zeitungen Schalten IPI /Reporter ohne Grenzen / Oesterreichische GPA Journalistengewerkschaft Inserat mit der Aufforderung an die Ungarische Regierung, das Neue Mediengesetz zurückzuziehen.

Führende österreichisch Zeitungen werden am Donnerstag ein IPI Austria Inserat schalten, in dem die ungarische Regierung aufgefordert wird , das kürzlich beschlossene Mediengesetz aufzuheben, das von EU Spitzenpolitikern, der OSZE, Journalisten und einer Reihe von Presse- und Meinungsfreiheitsorganisationen heftig kritisiert wird. Das vom IPI Austria Nationalkomitee, Reporter ohne Grenzen und der österreichischen GPA Journalistengewerkschaft unterzeichnete […]

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