Latest News and Monitoring from Pakistan

Deadly week for journalists across the globe

A series of journalists, and a media activist, were killed this week, and another was viciously attacked on Friday, starkly highlighting the grave global threats to the safety of journalists. The International Press Institute (IPI) was saddened to learn of the death of several citizen reporters in Syria, in the past few days, despite a […]

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Deadly trends for journalists in 2011; 103 killed

In 2011, 12-31  journalists were killed because of their work, according to the International Press Institute (IPI) Death Watch. Reporters and cameramen faced a range of threats. Some were in the wrong place at the wrong time, on the job when natural disaster struck or bombs exploded. But almost all of the journalists killed in […]

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‘Friends’ of the West, enemies of press freedom

At the close of the year, the International Press Institute (IPI) takes a look at 10 states that have poor records on press freedom, but on whose strategic support the west depends. These ‘Friends’ of the West, Enemies of Press Freedom are listed in no particular order below. *********************************************************** Turkey Friend: Relations between the west and […]

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Another journalist killed in Pakistan

Pakistani journalist Faisal Qureshi, web editor of The London Post, a London-based news portal that covers Pakistan affairs, was found dead by his brother Zahid Qureshi and cousin Shahzad Qureshi at 2 am on 7 October. The body showed signs of torture and the journalist’s throat was slit. Zahid Qureshi said he called his brother […]

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