Latest News and Monitoring from Pakistan

Seven killed in attack on television station in Syria; two injured in attack on TV station in Pakistan

The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemned the attack against a television station in Karachi, Pakistan on Monday and today’s deadly attack against a privately-owned television station in Drusha, Syria, which left at least three journalists dead. “Journalists are civilians, and news outlets are independent observers. They should never be seen as  legitimate targets in […]

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Yet another journalist kidnapped and killed in Pakistan

The bullet-riddled body of Pakistani journalist Tariq Kamal, a Karachi-based reporter for a local Sindhi newspaper, was found on May 9 in the Pak Colony neighborhood of Karachi. The journalist had been reportedly kidnapped on May 6. The journalist’s body, which showed signs of severe torture, was found together with the body of his friend, […]

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IPI stories of press freedom

These three stories highlight the plight of many journalists around the world on May 3, 2012, World Press Freedom Day. The Story of Marcela Turati ‘The Majority of Mexican Journalists Have Become War Correspondents in their Own Country’ “My city finds itself in a state of panic. There is shooting everywhere. People see bodies in […]

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IPI Focus: World Press Freedom Day 2012 – The story of Umar Cheema

How precious freedom is can better be explained by those who have suffered and struggled for it. This is what my personal experience dictates. On September 4, 2010, I was abducted. Before that, I was a free man roaming around without any care or caution. Even that fateful night, I was laughing in the company […]

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