Latest News and Monitoring from Pakistan

BLOG: Journalist murderers enjoy impunity in Pakistan

At least 48 journalists have been killed in the line of duty in Pakistan over the last ten years and 35 of them were deliberately targeted and murdered because of their work. In 2012 alone, six journalists were killed in the country. For every journalist who was deliberately targeted and murdered, there are many others […]

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Murderers of journalists enjoy impunity in Pakistan

At least 48 journalists have been killed in the line of duty in Pakistan in the last 10 years, and 35 of them were deliberately targeted and murdered because of their work.  In 2012 alone, five journalists were killed in the country, according to IPI’s Death Watch.  For every journalist who has been deliberately targeted […]

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Another journalist killed in Pakistan’s Balochistan province

On Oct. 23, unknown assailants gunned down Pakistani journalist Khalid Musa Mengal, a reporter with the daily newspaper Ummat in Turbat, Balochistan province, the Rural Media Network Pakistan (RMNP) reported. Condemning the murder as a „barbaric act“, RMNP noted that most attacks against journalists are never investigated and go unpunished. Balochistan is the most dangerous […]

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Pakistan’s media attacked during anti-Islam film protests

At least one media worker was killed, and many more injured on Friday in Pakistan, during a national day of protests against “Innocence of Muslims“, a film ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed. IPI strongly condemns the violence directed at the media during several days of demonstrations against the film, which culminated on the “Love of Mohammed“ […]

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