Latest News and Monitoring from Pakistan

Renowned Pakistani anchor escapes bomb attack

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, a well known television anchor with the country’s Geo TV, escaped a bid on his life on Monday, after an explosive device was found under his car. The bomb, stuck under the front passenger seat of Hamid Mir’s car, was defused by a bomb disposal squad, according to Geo News. “It […]

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IPI urges investigation into death of Pakistan journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI) today urged a swift and comprehensive investigation into the death of Malik Mumtaz, a senior reporter working in Pakistan’s tribal areas. Mumtaz was killed on Wednesday, Feb. 27 by gunmen in the city of Miranshah, capital of the tribal region of North Waziristan. The journalist reported for Geo TV, as […]

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One Pakistani journalist killed, two other wounded

A suicide attack on an election rally for the Awami National Party (ANP) on Tuesday killed Pakistani journalist Aslam Durrani, news editor of the Urdu language Daily Pakistan. Two other journalists, Durrani’s colleague Azhar Ali Shah and Express News reporter Ihtesham Khan, were injured in the attack, according to reports by the Karachi-based Express Tribune. […]

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Journalists killed in Syria and Pakistan

A well-known Syrian journalist working for a pro-government television channel was killed yesterday in a sniper attack near the country’s border with Lebanon, according to international reports. Al-Jazeera reported that Yara Abbas, 26, a war correspondent for the al-Ikhbariya television channel, was killed by opposition gunfire in an offensive by forces loyal to President Bashar […]

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