Latest News and Monitoring from Pakistan

IPI condemns intimidation of news organizations in Pakistan

Zur deutschen Version The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for media freedom, is deeply concerned about ongoing coercive measures to curtail the independence of the press in Pakistan. In letters sent to Pakistan Prime Minister Justice (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan […]

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Mexico most deadly country for journalists in 2017

Mexico was the deadliest country for journalists in 2017 with at least 14* killed, edging out Iraq and Syria, even as the total number who died around the world in connection with their work dropped to its lowest level in a nearly a decade, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. IPI has added 82 […]

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Critics: Pakistan election bill may limit access to info

Pakistan’s Parliament should make improvements to a draft election bill that could harm election transparency and limit access to information, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today, joining a call by civil society organisations and activists in the country. In a Jan. 16 report, the Free and Fair Elections Network (FAFEN), a Pakistani NGO, criticised […]

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Prominent Pakistan journalist put under travel ban

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined calls for Pakistan to lift the travel ban imposed on a leading newspaper columnist in the wake of his story on a confrontational meeting between leaders of the country’s civilian government and the military. Cyril Almeida, assistant editor of the English-language daily newspaper Dawn, learned on Monday that […]

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