Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Mexican journalist and son missing

Lea en español The International Press Institute (IPI) and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) this morning called on Mexican authorities to immediately investigate last Friday’s mysterious disappearance of a Mexican crime journalist and her two-year-old son. Hypathia Stephanía Rodríguez Cardoso, who works for Zócalo de Saltillo newspaper in the state of […]

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Criminal libel laws in the Caribbean: “Ultimate consequence is silence, when expression is most needed.”

Lea en español Beginning this week, IPI will undertake a two-week, four-nation mission in the Caribbean to push for the repeal of criminal defamation laws. From June 9 to 22, IPI delegates will visit Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago to meet with representatives of government, media, and civil society. As part […]

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Leyes de difamación en el Caribe: “La última consecuencia sería el silencio, en el momento en el que la expresión es más necesaria”

Read in English Iniciando esta semana, el IPI emprenderá una misión de dos semanas en cuatro naciones del Caribe para insistir en la revocación de las leyes que penalizan la difamación. Entre el 9 y 22 de junio delegados del IPI visitarán Barbados, República Dominicana, Jamaica y Trinidad y Tobago para reunirse con representantes del […]

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SEEMO & IPI call for Greek authorities to investigate journalist’s beating

The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), today condemned the violent attack on Jerusalem Post journalist Gil Shefler that took place on June 6, and called on the Greek authorities to ensure his attackers are prosecuted. According to a report on the Jerusalem Post’s website, Shefler was […]

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