Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Ban on Tanzanian newspapers continues

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed growing concern about press freedom in Tanzania following a government order suspending two newspapers in the country. The Ministry of Information’s decision to bar the publication of the Mwananchi, part of the Nation Group in Nairobi, and the Mtanzania, owned by New Habari Ltd., was based on complaints […]

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Kathmandu journalist arrested for Facebook post

The International Press Institute (IPI)’s Nepal National Committee today urged Nepal’s government to refrain from applying the Electronic Transaction Act, 2008 in breach of fundamental press freedom principles, which the committee said would create an environment adverse to freedom of expression. Police arrested Nepali journalist Dinesh Acharya, editor of the Share Bazar weekly, on Sept. […]

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Proceedings begin against Suriname magazine sued by former government minister

Legal proceedings were set to begin today against a Surinamese newsmagazine that was sued by a former government minister after the magazine detailed wide-ranging allegations of corruption against him. The minister, Ramon Abrahams, was removed from his post as public works minister in June 2013, approximately one-and-a-half months before Parbode, the magazine, published its account. […]

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IPI Blog: Self-regulation in Rwanda

Rwandan journalist Fred Muvunyi last week became the first head of the new Rwanda Media Commission, a seven-member self-regulatory body. It is a first for a country with a spotty record of press freedom and a history of self-censorship*. The commission itself was created by a government statute in March. That alone should raise concerns […]

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