Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Another journalist killed in Mexico’s dtate of Veracruz

Mexican crime reporter Victor Manuel Báez Chino was killed on Thursday morning in Xalapa, the capital of the State of Veracruz. He had been kidnapped on Wednesday evening after he left his office. Báez Chino covered the police beat for the local edition of the newspaper Milenio in Xalapa. He was also the editor of […]

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Freelance journalist murdered in Mexico

The International Press Institute (IPI) and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) today demanded that Mexican federal and state authorities immediately investigate the murder of a freelance journalist in the central Mexican state of Puebla on Wednesday. According to local media, Adrián Silva Moreno, a contibutor to the newspaper Puntual, was gunned […]

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Authorities announce arrests in murders of four journalists in Latin America

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed reports that authorities in Colombia, Bolivia, and Honduras have arrested suspects in the recent killings of four journalists, but underscored the importance of conducting complete and comprehensive investigations. “These arrests appear to be a positive first step,” IPI Press Freedom Manager Anthony Mills said.  “But we urge investigators […]

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Honduras television presenter assassinated

A well-known Honduran television presenter and two others were killed Monday morning when they came under fire from unknown assailants while exiting the studios of Maya TV in Tegucigalpa. Noel Alexander Valladares, 28, popularly known as “El Tecolote” (“The Owl”), hosted a daily entertainment program of the same name in which he administered a lottery […]

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