Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Spain’s PDLI to monitor harassment of female journalists on social media

Leer en español The Madrid-based Platform for the Defence of Free Expression (PDLI) has announced that it will create an observatory to monitor the harassment of female journalists on social media in Spain in cooperation with the Spanish Federation of Journalist Unions (FeSP), which is a member of the platform. According to the Organization for […]

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Medienübernahme in Ungarn: Größte Fernsehstation des Landes erweist sich als „schwer zu knackende Nuss“

Read in English Im September letzten Jahres veröffentlichte die ungarische wirtschaftspolitische Wochenzeitung Figyelő einen viel-diskutierten Artikel, der über die Zukunft des größten TV-Senders des Landes spekulierte, RTL Klub. „Es gibt seit einiger Zeit Gerüchte über den Verkauf von RTL (Gerüchte, die RTL immer zu leugnen versuchte), aber die Tatsache, dass die Firma Verluste und andere […]

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Amid media takeover, Hungary’s largest TV station proves ‘tough nut’ to crack

Zur deutschen Version In September of last year, the Hungarian economic and political weekly Figyelő published a much-discussed article that speculated about the future of the country’s largest television broadcaster, RTL Klub. “Rumours have been circulating for some time about the sale of RTL (rumours that RTL has always tried to deny), but the [fact […]

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IPI condemns jail term for Azerbaijani journalist

The International Press Institute today condemned a six-year prison sentence given to Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli last week on charges of smuggling, illegal border crossing and assaulting state officials. Mukhtarli, who had fled to Georgia with his wife Leyla Mustafayeva in 2015, was kidnapped in May 2017 and forcibly returned to Azerbaijan. Mukhtarli’s lawyer, Elchin […]

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