Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

In Spain, Catalonia crisis sparks ‘fake news’ debate

The recent political crisis in Catalonia brought the issue of “fake news” to the forefront in Spain. While the central government has looked for ways to address the spread of disinformation via legislation, journalists concerned about the implications of new laws on freedom of expression have called for a campaign to promote media literacy instead. […]

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Austrian initiative focuses on delivering ‘facts and data’ for public debate

With many traditional media facing difficult financial challenges, the task of tackling misinformation and “fake news” has increasingly fallen to independent fact-checking initiatives and start-ups. In Austria, a new initiative called Addendum has thrown its hat into the ring. Addendum, which produces a television feature (“In Context” on the private broadcaster ServusTV) as well as […]

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In Austria, debate over ‘fake news’ lays bare societal polarisation

Austria has dealt with its fair share of disinformation and accusations of “fake news” amid two recent, highly divisive elections: a presidential election in 2016 and parliamentary elections in October 2017, both notable for the successes of traditional outlier parties. The former saw the triumph of the former head of the Green party, while the […]

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Czech anti-xenophobia project adopts role as hoax debunker

In recent years the Czech Republic has seen the launch of a number of official and private initiatives aimed at counteracting the spread of disinformation or “fake news”. One of the first efforts to systematically debunk false information was Hate Free Culture, which was founded amid the refugee crisis of 2015. Hate Free Culture is […]

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