Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

IPI welcomes release of jailed Ethiopian journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed the release of Ethiopian journalists Eskinder Nega and Woubshet Taye after more than six years in prison. “We are overjoyed that IPI World Press Freedom Hero Eskinder Nega and Woubshet Taye have finally been freed after many years of wrongful and arbitrary imprisonment”, IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi said. “Though […]

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Jailed Ethiopian journalist refuses forced confession

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega, whose presidential pardon remains in doubt after he refused to sign a forced confession. Nega, the recipient of last year’s IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award, was one of 746 political prisoners whose release was announced on Thursday […]

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Ägyptischer Journalist Mahmoud Hussein: über 400 Tage in Untersuchungshaft

Read in English Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sitzen für 400 Tage im Gefängnis und wissen nicht einmal, wie die Anklage überhaupt lautet – oder ob Sie jemals wieder freigelassen werden? Dies ist die Realität von Mahmoud Hussein, 51 Jahre alt und Vater von neun Kindern, derzeit in Ägypten hinter Gittern, weil er ein Journalist […]

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Egypt’s Mahmoud Hussein: Over 400 days in prison without charges

Zur deutschen Version Imagine spending 400 days in prison without knowing what you are charged with – or whether you will ever get out. That is the reality for Mahmoud Hussein, a 51-year-old father of nine, who is behind bars in Egypt simply for being a journalist. And he is not alone: today, Egypt is […]

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