Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Reputation of Turkey’s rule of law is in the balance

International observers from Article 19, PEN International, RSF and Articolo 21 Associazione 100 Autori, ECPMF, IFJ and IPI are awaiting the court’s verdict this morning in the final hearing of the case against seven defendants among whom are the first writers and journalists to be facing charges relating to involvement in the attempted coup of […]

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In final hearing, Mehmet Altan decries rule of law breakdown in Turkey

Türkçe için tıklayınız. Turkish academic and journalist Mehmet Altan and his brother, author Ahmet Altan, are among seven writers and journalists facing a final hearing this week on terrorism charges for allegedly having played a role in the failed coup of July 15, 2016. The Altan brothers are accused of having given “subliminal messages” on […]

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Mehmet Altan, Türkiye’de hukuk devletinin çöküşüne vurgu yaptı: “Rahmetli hukuk devleti”

Read in English. Türk gazeteci ve akademisyen Mehmet Altan, kardeşi, yazar Ahmet Altan’ın da dahil olduğu yedi sanıklı davada 15 Temmuz 2016 darbe teşebbüsünde rol oynadığı iddiasıyla “terör” suçlaması ile yargılanıyor. Davanın son duruşması bu hafta görülüyor. Altan kardeşler, 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminden bir gece önce televizyonda ‘bilinçaltı mesaj’ vermekten suçlanıyorlar. Mehmet Altan, 10 Eylül […]

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الصحفي المصري محمود حسين: في السجن لأكثر من ٤٠٠ يوم بدون تهمة

Read in English محمود حسين  إعتُقل صحفي الجزيرة محمود حسين في القاهرة ديسمبر ٢٠١٦. هو واحد من صحفيين كثر في سجون مصر، ولا يزال في فترة الحبس الإحتياطي. السلطات المصرية تتهم حسين بنشر أخبار كاذبة وبالتحريض على الدولة، ولكن لم يتم توجيه أي إتهام رسمي إليه ولم يتم تقديم أدلة لتأكد ما اتهم به. محمود […]

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