Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

The state of media freedom in India

Physical attacks against journalists as well as arrests under often-archaic laws interpreted beyond their legitimate scope to clamp down on critical journalists are only some of the tactics adopted by the government of President Modi to silence independent journalists in India. Furthermore, with mainstream media, in particular TV stations, increasingly forced to unquestioningly parrot the […]

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The state of media freedom in Pakistan

A large part of the media sector in Pakistan is facing serious threats as the government has shown increasing intolerance to critical journalism and as radical political actors regularly attack media outlets and journalists. The armed forces have also played a key role in stifling press freedom in the country. Cases of abduction, physical attacks, […]

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IPI-KAS Report: Press Freedom & Safety of Journalists in Africa

According to IPI’s Death Watch, 25 journalists have been killed in targeted attacks in sub-Saharan Africa in the past five years. Nearly all of these cases remain mired in impunity. Meanwhile, governments have enacted new laws and regulations to stifle independent media, with the COVID-19 pandemic providing a cover for new repression against journalists. However, […]

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Case Study: Radio Al Balad (Jordan)

Local Journalism Project Case Study: Radio Al Balad (Jordan)   The backstory: Radio Al Balad was launched as AmmanNet radio in 2000 with online audio reports, news bulletins, and a variety of programming. It began broadcasting terrestrially in the Amman metropolitan area in 2005 after the King issued a temporary law authorizing terrestrial broadcasts. Known as […]

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