Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Russia: Facial recognition software used to target journalists

The Russian government’s use of biometric technologies, including facial recognition, for surveilling and repressing journalists in Moscow and other major Russian cities poses a major threat to the freedom of expression within the country.  On June 12, Russian Independence Day, SOTA journalist Pyotr Ivanov, who works for one of the few remaining independent outlets in […]

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The journalists who fought back in Uttar Pradesh

IPI’s media partners in the South Asia Cross-border journalism project in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal document press freedom violations in their countries. On March 31, a video caught the attention of many on social media: in it, a man with neatly parted, close-cropped grey hair, surrounded by half a dozen policemen, raised his fist […]

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Nigeria: Attacks on journalists spike as election season starts

The IPI global network is concerned by a recent increase in attacks on journalists in Nigeria. At least 15 journalists, including four women journalists, were attacked in May in several different incidents. Thirteen of these attacks were carried out by law-enforcement officials and at least seven were linked to primary elections and political party campaigns. […]

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IPI, IMS launch nomination call for 2022 press freedom awards

Exceptional courage and innovation in journalism deserve to be honoured and celebrated. The International Press Institute (IPI) and International Media Support (IMS) are proud to announce the call for nominations for this year’s World Press Freedom Hero Award and the Free Media Pioneer Award. Both awards will be presented during a special ceremony at IPI’s […]

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