Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Analysis: Strengthening Moldova’s independent press in the shadow of polarization and propaganda

Following the election of a pro-EU president in 2020, Moldova’s independent press has grown in strength and significance. However, challenges remain as a result of the country’s political and social instability, its vast levels of corruption, and the ripple effects of the war in Ukraine. Among growing regional tensions, Moldova’s independent press is preparing for […]

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IPI’s Media Innovation Europe – a journalism collaboration to support independent news voices in Europe

Here’s the good news: Europe has seen hundreds of innovative independent media organizations launched. But too many face growing challenges to survive.  Now, the IPI global network has launched a major new project incorporating practical sustainability programs for media adapted for their different stages of development. With a focus on organizations in regions where media […]

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Turkey: International groups call to restore Evrensel’s right to receive public ads

The International Press Institute (IPI) and 18 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organisations call on the Turkish Press Advertising Agency (BİK) to withdraw without delay its alarming decision to revoke the right of the independent Evrensel newspaper to receive public ads, a vital source of financial income for the publication. BİK has […]

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Greece: The government must not cover up “Greek Watergate”

Despite mounting pressure, the Greek government is still refusing to provide substantive answers regarding the revelations that two journalists and an MEP and leader of an opposition party have been targeted for surveillance by EYP (the Greek Intelligence Service), as well as by yet unknown operators using the spyware “Predator”. The affair concerns two distinct […]

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